- Arrey, how are you?
I'm in a good place with myself, thanks for asking!
- When does the course start and finish?
The AI Summit Crash Course is a self-paced course. Once you sign up, every day for the next 7 days, we will send you a module and checklist by email.
Login, watch, take an action step for the day. By the end of these 7 days, you should be fully equipped with everything you need to know about A.I
- Can I really get a refund?
Yes, if within 24hrs you change your mind, send us an email and you'd get your money back 100% (provided you have not consumed more than 30% of the course content)
- How long will I have access to the course?
Now till December. This means that you'll have access to it including if we ever add any updates and new material in the future. Actually, a couple of months is a pretty good time to go over more than 27 times if you want.
- What equipment do I need?
Your brain and a device (laptop or phone). That's it! Don't overthink this, the most important component is getting your hands dirty with the work and we'd show you how inside the course.
- Does ChatGPT function even in Africa (Cameroon, Nigeria etc.)?
ChatGPT can be accessed and used by most countries in the world. However as a black man who grew up finding ways around, there’s a black-man trick to get it from anywhere in the world. I’ll teach you how to sign up to ChatGPT from anywhere in this world, even in Ekona-Mbengue black bush.
- Arrey, I don’t own a business, so how will AI and ChatGPT help me?
If the coming of AI means tasks that were usually performed by humans will now be performed by robots and programmed machines, ask yourself, who is gonna programme the machines to perform the tasks?
Wether you're building a brand or a career, the job market will need people who have the ability to reflect and ask meaningful questions, operate simple machines and set commands. And that's what this crash course will teach you
So verily verily I say unto thee, according to my King James Version, when jobs are taken away, new jobs are created for thou
- Should I get it now?
The only reason you wouldn’t get in now is if you hate your future. Quite honestly, what's 27k compared to the value of securing your future? I hear some people are actually allergic to growth. Usually, the same people are allergic to success.
- What if I attended The AI Summit Should I Still Take This Crash Course?
I'm gonna be honest, if you attended The AI Summit and got The AI Package, you're good, I don't need more of your money.
This AI Summit Crash Course is a little upgrade from the AI Summit LIVE event, a few tools and resources have been added but you can still implement from the package you have. The only reason you may want to get this course is if you missed the AI Package or you want an upgrade with all new resources.