Welcome To THE SMART CLUB 2.0

Get On The Fast Lane To Master A High-Income Digital Marketing Skill So You Can Build Your Personal Brand, Become A Freelancer Or Get A Digital Marketing Job

(even if you're a Newbie with Just a Smartphone)

"...The club was very interactive covering several modules on different digital skills which could help anyone to earn a living instantly with support from Arrey and his team..."

from Mercy

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Arrey Bate As Featured On:

Join The Club Now!

***The club actually comes with weekly LIVE Coachings on 15+ high income digital Marketing skills, 27+ modules, checklists, templates & tools + FREE bonuses (even if you're a Newbie with Just a Smartphone)***

The Path To Success In Your Life & Business Could Be One Decision Away!

From The Desk Of Arrey Bate

Dear Smart Friend,

What does ‘The Smart Club’ mean to you?

For everyone it’s going to be different…

For some of you, you’re trying to build a personal brand but you’re struggling to get the word out on social media and create more revenue from it

For others, you’re aiming to become a freelancer or service provider… but you’re stuck, and you’re not sure why.

And for others, you’re looking for that one mentor or coach that will hold your hand so you can build a digital marketing skill and get a decent job within an organisation.

Before I share with you MY GOAL for ‘The Smart Club” let me ask you a few questions…

Does Any Of These Sound Like You?👇

Does your goal seem a little different?

Or maybe you’re totally new and you don’t know where and how to start?

Whatever your Goal, this is a new Community you can take advantage of right now!

My name is Arrey Bate and I’m the creator of The Smart Club and I don’t think there’s anyone who’s obsessed about digital marketing like I am…

About 6 years ago, I started a business called ARREYB Media while I was in my second year of the University

And as the non-techy naive student with no skills in social media, I wasn’t able to make any money from it in the first year

It was during the most tensed moments of the Anglophone crisis in Cameroon. The fight between the government military and armed group of separatist fighters led to constant shootings that made the entire region to shut down, everyone stayed home and occasionally you would hear multiple gunshots.

Every of those days I stayed indoors,  I needed to feed. Sometimes the shootings will pause for some hours, and then I will rush out to get some basic house groceries and run back in.

I couldn’t rely on my parents...

That’s how I started to brainstorm, social media seemed like my only hope at the time

I wanted to learn how to fish for myself and find a way to pay rents, foot my bills, feed and just survive in all these troubles

But how was I to start?

That year I dropped out from school

During that time, I lost almost my brain

My business ARREYB Media was centered around blogging but it was very hard to get people to advertise on my website or even take a space for a banner ad

I tested everything

And if someone said this will make me more money online, I jumped on it desperately without a second thought.

Most of the things I tried didn’t work...

But a few of the REAL SECRETS that did work, started to compound on each other over time

Each new trial will help me to discover another thing which led to another and another…

And That's How I Made My First Million Blogging

But somewhere along the line, we started getting new problems with the business owners who advertised on my website…

They’d say to me “Arrey, when we place a banner ad on your website, we can’t predict for sure how many clients you bring to us”

So, they STOPED ADVERTISING ON MY WEBSITE and the result? My little business started to crumble for lack of revenue from advertisers 

At This Point, I made The Risky Decision To Learn Real Digital Marketing & switch the business into Proper marketing...

I went out there, found a world-class British mentor who was already succeeding at digital marketing and paid ONE MILLION for some hours of his mentorship (till date I still have a screen record of myself paying that money)

And after years of focus, deep learning and application, I switched into digital marketing.

First, I started by trying to sell my own book and we recorded 3,000+ copies Sold...

Then I tried the same strategy on a friend’s business and we recorded some huge success….

What seemed completely impossible before (getting a consistent flow of income from my digital skills), was slowly becoming a reality

Because of the digital skills and secrets I have learnt and practiced in the past years, I set up my marketing business and growing with my team into multiple ventures 

I Recorded My First 4 Million Month ...

And while that is a happy life for me, that’s just a few of the successes I’ve had blending my journalism and marketing skills…

You can see screenshots of my successes, like being interviewed live from the BBC headquarters in London, listed among the British Council’s 2019 top 100 worldwide, GLC2021 top 100 young leaders from 30 countries, the official winner of the 2021 Global Leadership Challenge at Oxford University, spoken at Mechigan State University USA and keynote speaker at the 51st St Gallen Symposium Switzerland (the world’s most relevant organisation and platform for cross-generational dialogue and collaboration)

I have also authored a best-selling internet book “How To Make Money, Build Right Relationships With Social Media” that has sold 3,000+ copies and recorded multiple millions in sales online through my skills

Building a community, writing a book, helping businesses get clients on social media and mentoring hundreds of friends in the last couple of years have been some of my successes. 

And when I launched this club last year, day in and day out like clockwork, we had constant coaching, live sessions with tools and templates with some mentees well on their journeys earning from their skills

This equals several conferences and workshops me and my team have organised, training more than 2,000 young entrepreneurs and youths on digital skills in the past years

And this is just a handful of the testimonials

Imagine What Would Happen To You If You Mastered A High Income Digital Marketing Skill so You Can Build Your Personal Brand, Become A Freelancer Or Get A Digital Marketing Job In 2024?

As I was building on these secrets and documenting the strategies I was discovering in real time, I decided to start putting them together into a club to help other youths and ambitious persons like myself that relate with my story

I spent some months compiling all of my observations and failures, creating my new club called:

The Smart CLUB

Since Sharing these secrets with others, I’ve gone on to help several others to grow their brands, become freelancers or master a skill that lands them a job in digital marketing

Today I Want To Invite You To Join THE SMART CLUB & Acquire A Digital Marketing Skill That Will Change Your Life Or Business Forever!

Whatever your thing is, this is going to be a big boost for you

  •  Just getting started (Completely new to social media)
  • Young entrepreneurs
  • Small business owner
  • Freelancer
  • Network marketing
  • Non-profit organisation
  • Blogging
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • B2B
  • Restaurant owners
  • etc.

So, Here Is How The CLUB Works...

The club costs $499 (297,000frs) for STANDARD Member & $744 (449,000frs) for GOLD Member (and there are payment plans). This covers your membership, materials and training during the entire training period (more info on this below).

With 'The Smart Club', A lot of fomer club members say we could easily charge $1,000 or more for just the first 3 months... Probably even $2000, or more, but...

All You Pay Is A One-Time Investment Of $499 (297,000frs) for STANDARD Member Or $744 (449,000frs) for GOLD Member

Then In Exchange For That Investment, You Get All Of This

Let me Show You Everything You Get When You Join The Smart Club TODAY!

Plus, Fast Action Bonuses!

Total Value: 2,902,000frs ($4,711)

All You Pay Is A One-Time Investment Of $499 (297,000frs) for STANDARD Member Or $744 (449,000frs) for GOLD Member

This Price Won't Last Forever, So Get In ASAP!

Yes I Want Weekly Training, LIVE Coaching And Accountability!

Need More Information Before You Make Your Decision...?

Let Me Break Down All The Awesome Stuff You’ll Get When You Join The Smart Club Today!

First, You Become A verified Member Of The Prestigious Club & You're Entitled To...

Millions Worth Of Results-Based Coaching & A Lifetime Transformation Of Your Digital Marketing Skills & Brand In The Next 6 Months

Led by me and my team, this club is designed to help you MASTER and EARN your first (or next) income from a digital marketing skill

Here's What To Expect At The Club

Step 1 - The Strategy!

Every week, you will receive an invitation to attend a live coaching with Arrey. It will be about 1 hour long. The instructions of your mission for that week will be shared and it will give you the strategy you need to master for each digital marketing skill. You will have the ability to network with and ask whatever questions to your coach as well as other club members who are also taking this sessions like you! (It’s limited to a small group so interaction will definitely be high)

Step 2 - The Tactics!

At the end of each club session, you will receive a checklist from the club team with the exact step by step tactics you need to implement to complete that step.

This checklist will give you a task for the week. In some special cases, you will receive a short supporting video and walkthrough on what’s needed. 

Step 3 - The Implementation!

The Smart Club includes 24+ weeks mentorship, that includes weekly live coaching and LIVE Q&A session with Arrey.

Once a while, you’ll also get surprise LIVE SESSIONS from some expert guests. You’ll get to pick their brains and ask ANY question about your brand, strategies, offers, tech challenges, you name it. It’s a little like leveraging my personal networks and having it serve you as your own DEDICATED CONSULTING TEAM.

'Arrey, What Else Does The Smart Club Provide?'

In Addition, You Get all These...

Club Access #1
6 months verified Smart Club membership

(616,000FCFA or $997 value)

Club Access #2 - Weekly LIVE club sessions with Arrey Bate for 6 months (27+ modules)

(616,000FCFA or $997 value)

Club Access #3
Smart Club Account: 6 months access to all trainings & replays

(107,000FCFA or $170 value)

Club Access #4 - Weekly Q&A sessions with Arrey Bate for 6 months

(616,000FCFA or $997 value)

Club Access #5
Access to all worksheets, tools & templates per module

(107,000FCFA or $170 value)

Club Access #6 - Networking community, private group & daily support for 6 months

(616,000FCFA or $997 value)

Club Access #7
[PDF] Arrey’s best-selling book + audiobook (3,000+ copies sold)

(20,300FCFA or $33 value)

Club Access #8 - [PDF] The ebook '10 Simple Facebook Ad Templates That Worked'

(10,000FCFA or $18 value)

Club Access #9
Special discount to paid events

(29,000FCFA or $47 value)

Club Access #10 - Much More...

So, Here Is Your Mission For 2024,

Your Challenge Is To TAKE ACTION And Join The Club...

And, yes, there will be some prep-work involved…

Yes, there will be mindset and focus modules…

But every week, you’ll be taking steps toward building your brand and digital marketing!

My only question for you is…

“Do YOU Have What It Takes?”

By the time the club is over, you will have a high-income digital marketing skill that you can either use to grow your brand, become a freelancer or secure a job that offers you a decent pay!

you Will acquire a High Income Digital Marketing skill that stays with you forever & makes you relevant in the job market

What Masterclass Topics Does The SMART CLUB Cover?

Master 12+ High Income Digital Marketing Skills

Club sessions, live and breakdowns will be on 12+ High Income Digital Marketing Skills (Plus, Club Members can vote what topics they want covered first).

And Bonus Lessons On...

Don't Just Take My Word For It, Hear What Previous Club Members Have To Say...

When You Join The Smart Club Now, I'm Adding You ALL These Bonuses For FREE !

Bonus #1 - Twelve 2023 LIVE Q&A Sessions

(107,000FCFA or $170 value)

Bonus #2 - Afrikpreneur2021 entire event (12 Video Interviews)

(57,000 FCFA or $97 value)

Bonus #3 - Top 3 Smart Emails (PDF)

(10,000FCFA or $18 value)

Here Is Your Mission For 2024...

Maybe I forgot to mention above…

A lot of people say I’m the best internet man around and this is going to be your biggest asset through out the club. You’ll get the opportunity to ask me any questions about the software I’m using,  the strategies we’re going to be using and how I’m putting things together.

At the moment of writing this,

it cost 107,000frs ($197) to have a 120 Minutes tête-à-tête consultancy with me (and I have receipts to prove this)

So you can see why joining The Smart Club and having unprotected access to the club is like the biggest steal

Now, I know what you’re probably thinking…

“Arrey, I Can't Afford The Investment Fee At Once...”

And that’s WHY we created payment plans for you to join The Smart Club today!

If you’re worried about paying in full, we have made it easy to get in and start learning.

Pay at least 50,000frs ($100) on your first instalment now, then pay the rest in 4 instalments within 3 months

And if you’re also worried that you're not techy...

Don’t worry, I’ll show you much easier ways to get things done and hold your hand even if you’re just starting out with no brand, zero tech skills and no social media following.  

You could either go and figure things out on your own through a continuous trial and error process that will take months and maybe years of your life OR right now, I want to give you the opportunity of a lifetime to kickstart your journey with a step-by-step help and get fast results

Time Is A Big Factor Here!

Here’s why,

If this page is open, then the next club session starts NOW and is still available with all the bonuses! But we reserve the right to take out the bonuses or increase the investment fee when we feel necessary, so join now before this limited time opportunity passes you by…

Here's My Crazy Guarantee To You!

Like my Granny used to say to me before she died “test the water with one foot before you dive into it”… I guarantee you 100% that you’ll love the club experience.


Join the club, get on club sessions and apply what I teach you and watch things change. But if for some reasons you ever decide to change your mind, shoot my team an email 7 days after joining and I’ll refund your money with no questions asked.

Let me show you everything you get when you join The Smart Club today!

Pick your package Below

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$499 (297,000frs)

6 months
Total: 2,737,300 frs ($4,426)
Plus, Fast Action Bonuses
Total: 165,000 frs ($285)
Grand Total: 2,902,000frs ($4,711)

Your Investment Today: $499 (297,000frs)

Use Coupon Code LOVEYOUMOM at checkout to get 15% Off

Gold Member



$744 (449,000frs)

6 months
Total: 2,737,300 frs ($4,426)
Plus, Gold Member Benefits
Total: 2,707,000 frs ($4,375)
Plus, Fast Action Bonuses
Total: 165,000 frs ($285)
Grand Total: 5,609,300frs ($9,086)

Your Investment Today: 449,000frs ($744)

Use Coupon Code LOVEYOUMOM at checkout to get 15% Off


Billing details


Your Products

[Gold Member] The Smart Club1
[Standard Member] The Smart Club1
[First Instalment] The Smart Club1

Your order

Product Subtotal
[Gold Member] The Smart Club  × 1 CFA449,000
Subtotal CFA449,000
Total CFA449,000

Want To Pay Directly Into A Mobile Money Account?

  1. Pay in full or your first instalment to 676228077 (Rose)
  2. Use your email in (reference).
  3. Click Here to send Rose a WhatsApp message with your name and email as confirmation (please write respectfully).

This Is A Global Club. Members From All Countries & All Levels Are welcome To Join

This is truly a limited offer, so claim your Spot now before the Club Is Closed!

Thanks for taking out time to read this letter, see you at your first club session.

PS : In case you’re one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of the letter, here’s the deal

I’m offering you a membership into my private mentorship club. My mission is to help you acquire a high-income digital marketing skill whether you’re building a personal brand, becoming a freelancer or getting a digital marketing job 

This will be done through weekly live trainings, masterclasses, Q&As, breakdowns, templates and tools…

Although the club is worth more than 2,902,000frs ($4,711), all you pay today is just $499 (297,000frs) for STANDARD Member or $744 (449,000frs) for GOLD Member (and there are payment plans). This covers your membership, materials and training during the entire training period

And if for some mysterious reasons you don’t love the club, I’ll refund you 7 days after and let you keep the downloaded bonuses for FREE.

So, click the button below to join The Smart Club and get all the bonuses, you won’t regret it!

Hear What Some Friends & Clients Have To Say About Working With Arrey Bate...


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What do you mean by "Advanced Mastery Programmes" for GOLD Club Members?

    As a GOLD club member, you benefit from trainings on TWO Advanced Mastery Programmes.

    This means we will pick a single skill and go in-depth to teach you how to create an entire business from it.

    For example, when we treat Content Creation & Community Management as a skill, we will NOT end there. An Advanced Mastery Programme will include teaching you the entire process of creating a business around content creation: From outreach strategy, how to easily find clients, how to pitch and close, how to onboard your new clients, the actual service delivery, creating your client reports, setting client expectations, including any special tools and templates you may need for running content creation as a business.

    Best part? GOLD club members will jointly vote the courses they'd like an Advanced Mastery Programme on

  • How quickly will I make my money back?

    How much you get out of The Smart Club really comes down to how committed you are. Plenty of students have made back their investment in just a few weeks.
    Heads up: All the stuff you learn is purely practical. It's on you to get your feet wet with the work and apply it. We do not promise riches from the club, but we promise to hand you at least ONE digital marketing skill that puts you in position to earn for the rest of your life.

  • You give away a lot of information in your emails, how will the Smart Club content be different?

    The information I share in my weekly emails or online is not even 1/10 of everything I have gathered over these past years.

    Instead you should be excited ,If I share that much for FREE, what more of a private club where we go deeper? 

  • Do I get personal support from you (Arrey) inside this programme?

    Ofcourse, Arrey will be on all LIVE club sessions, masterclasses and Q&A sessions.

    You’ll have full support from his team, and for GOLD club members, you get more personal sessions and private check in calls with Arrey.

  • What if I miss the LIVE sessions?

    That's why every club member has access to a private account where all past live sessions, club sessions, gifts we promised you and everything else will be dropped inside.

    After every session our team will upload a recording into your account so don’t worry you won't miss any bit

  • What if I am just a beginner?

    No worries everyone was once a beginner and we thought about that.

    Wether if you’re just a beginner or you already have an existing brand, the trainings you’ll receive inside the Smart Club will help you to start or scale further. In fact we already have club members with 30k+ followers and others with just 1k. Just follow what I tell you to do at the club and knock my head if you don’t see a difference in 6 months

  • Is this truly for 6 months?

    No it's only for a day🙄.

    We're taking the ride for 6 months straight, so sign up now.

  • Can I not enrol later?

    Time is a big factor and here's why...

    If this page is open, then the next club session starts NOW and is still available with all the bonuses! But we reserve the right to take out the bonuses or increase the investment fee when we feel necessary, so join now before this limited time opportunity pass you by...

  • When do we start?

    We officially begin the Smart Club now! Regardless of when you join, recordings will still be ready inside you Smart Club account.

    You will receive an email with all details 24hrs after you sign up. 

  • What happens after I join?

    The moment you sign up you will receive an email within 24 hours. It'll contain your smart club badge and all other details you need. 

  • How do I make payments?

    Right here on this page. You can pay via credit card or mobile money whether you're paying in full or first instalment (GOLD or STANDARD)

    On this platform we've had sign ups from Cameroon, US, UK, Canada, Dubai and all around. So move on to pay no matter your location (alternatively, you can use the mobile money number above to make a direct transfer via momo, then send us a WhatsApp message to confirm)


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