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Want To Interview Me?

Here's What To Expect From Me ...

1) A few times now, people have set a time and not shown up at the last minute because they ‘aren’t ready’.

So please have the curtesy to choose a time and keep to it…

2) This is for interviews, not a coaching or speaking gig…

3) Make it simple for me to join in on the interview online or locate the venue in person (My team will surely be in contact for this)

4) These interviews are truly some of my favourite moments in my week and I look forward to getting on with ANYONE with my smiles for a lovely chat

I am usually happy to grant only a single interview or at most 2 interviews per week, spending a maximum of 30 minutes per interview. Please keep this in mind

Shortly after you’re done on this page, someone from my team will contact you for confirmation and a full media release …

Cheers and thanks for reaching out …

Please fill the details below!

Interview With Arrey Bate
How much paid advertising spend will you be putting into this episode?