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Dear ARREYB [The Podcast]



Few years ago I dropped out of university...

and started a digital business which eventually became my livelihood during the shootings & crisis in Cameroon.

Years later, I featured on the BBC, British Council’s top 100, won Oxford University’s GLC, authored a best-selling book & generated 50m+ in business.

As I grow, my fulfilment comes from sharing my journey & building friends.


Dear ARREYB [The Podcast] shares my experiences & unfiltered conversations with thought leaders in business, enter10ment, politics & media. My mission is to inspire friends to keep chasing the better versions of themselves.

Send me a kind review of our podcast and I’ll personally reply to you!

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If you’re new to the community, welcome my friend! The past three years, every week I’ve sent out a mind-blowing story to 21,000+ people on email who I call My Smart Friends (and we always get incredible feedback about how these emails help to fill a void. [One time I even got a friend called “Steve” who read an email at a point when he was contemplating suicide. Long story short, “Steve” replied and confessed he was going to take his life before my email came and he reluctantly opened because of the subject line. I quickly responded with my personal contact, we spoke briefly and I led him to a therapist. Today “Steve” is alive and building life with his daughter…] These emails are usually the smartest life and business lessons I learn on my journey as I grow. If you’re reading this and you’re yet to join us (or if you were unsubscribed for being inactive), I’d like to specially invite you to join the fast-growing community of Smart Friends. You will receive a mind-blowing email from me [Arrey Bate] every week and an email every time an amazing podcast episode goes live. Take 10 seconds and join us below…

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