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“why these memories?”

One night I was about to fly. As we were boarding the plane, a flight attendant walked up to me and said👇…

 “Sir, this flight is loaded so you can only bring one luggage inside. Either the small suitcase or your guitar.”

On me, I had two small items; my travel suitcase with all the necessary and my bass guitar hanging over my back like some emtilas rockstar haha😀🎸

My assumption was that both luggages were lightweight enough to enter the overhead compartment of the plane so I didn’t bother checking them in as heavy luggage.

There was a line of people behind me. We had a back and forth and the flight attendant asked which luggage I’ll choose to fly with.

Without hesitation I grabbed my BASS GUITAR and all the other attendants who were watching went nuts!😅Everyone expected I was going to pick the suitcase but they didn’t know the exact reason WHY. (I ended up paying an extra fee for the suitcase to be sent to my location one week after arrival but I didn’t mind. Plus, I’m never using that airline again, let them getat💁🏽‍♂️).

But my friend….

I’ve told you this story a million times. In 2014 when my older brother and I were struggling in Buea, we couldn’t afford rents for a house and playing music was the only thing that survived us. We perched at my friend Gabriel’s place and hustled for gigs at concerts, crusades, weddings, church services. I travelled for gigs right up to Souza and that’s how we raised our first 81,000frs and rented our first room in Molyko.

Till date, I treat my instrument like it saved my life and I travel everywhere with it. I even have it in the back of my zoom calls, speaking engagements and all mentorship sessions at The Smart Club. It’s a gentle reminder of those growing and memorable days which I’ll like to keep. 

Today’s email may not be a direct lesson, it’s a piece I hope you read and relate to it in a unique way. 

For some of you, this may remind you of not letting go of those values that got you here. It may be a symbol of your unwavering commitment to your craft and the reason why you started. 

For others, it may remind you about holding on to the people in your life that have been there for you. You see, the bass guitar wasn’t just a tool for making music. To me, it became a lifeline that helped me and my brother survive during our most trying times. And even though we’ve come a long way since those early days, it remains a constant reminder of building days and to keep me humble. 

And for others, it may be the one thing you need to hear to never lose sight of the things that are most important to you no matter how challenging the circumstances may be. It may not be a musical instrument for you but a personal goal or a particular experience. Those things that when we think of, it gives us the strength and motivation to push through difficult times and emerge stronger on the other side.

My dear friend, as you navigate life this week, remember the importance of holding onto what truly matters. And who knows – maybe we’ll even inspire others to do the same by sharing our stories. 

Arrey Bate

Internet Entrepreneur | Author | Journalist 

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