A lot of you my friends may be wondering if what you’re doing right now truly aligns with your purpose and how that will help you achieve their goals in life🤔…
Do you also find yourself in such a situation?
This is such a big question so let me quickly draw inspiration from something extraordinary which happened this past week
17 year old Nigerian girl called Salle received a call from music icon Rihanna, and she has been invited to an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour after someone posted a video of her singing online
To put you in a quick perspective, Salle was hawking on the streets when someone who heard she can sing, stopped her and asked her to sing on a beat he played from his phone
They videod her singing effortlessly on the beat and then posted it online, then it blew up like crazy and the rest is history…
Millions of people and celebrities have been talking about her voice and that such a teenage girl was hawking on the streets with talent running in her ribs
When I watched the video that Wednesday morning, I remember asking myself two questions
If Salle wasn’t on the road selling, would this person have met her and recorded her singing?
Maybe not!
“But Arrey where are you going to with this singing story🙄?”
I’ll tell you…
My friend, maybe you’re doing something now and you hate your job!
So you’re grumbling and asking yourself how this job will relate to your purpose or what you really want to do in life
Is this your story right now?
Or is your story a little bit similar to what I’ve just shared?
Maybe you’re telling yourself you have big dreams to run a huge brand and vision but right now you’re somewhere working and selling for other people for a salary which you consider ‘miserable’

You see , I remember some years ago when I was working for a radio station and my station manager forced me to learn to edit audios and voice overs for the news
I hated it!
I had to leave the studio very late and get back early enough when others have not arrived to make sure feeds were prepared for the news…
I told myself I was a presenter and I didn’t see a need to try learning to record, edit audios and do all the extra things…. that’s a technician’s job🙄
But guess what happened?
In 2017 when I was writing a script on gender based violence, I got an idea to turn that script into a radio play and do you know how it went?
I called 8 of my friends, we went into the studio and recorded the entire script in multiple sessions
We named the radio drama “Lebanon Girl” and it featured my good friend Fallon Kubeh who played ‘Lucia’ the main character
In 2018 I submitted “Lebanon Girl” for a BBC radio competition and though it didn’t win, the team really appreciated it
5 months later “Lebanon Girl” was used in a presentation at the UN on gender based violence, and later it was played on the national radio CRTV
I remember writing the script with my journalist friend Masoma Boris-Karloff and I sat on my student laptop to do the final cuts and editing for about 2 months
That same editing I refused to learn
Later on I even got a gig to make a radio spot, so I sat down by myself, recorded the audio and edited the spots which earned me some little pocket money
So, what if I did not learn to edit audios because it did not relate to what I wanted to do with my life?
Do you think all these would have been possible?
Do you even think my trend of thoughts would have let me to reason in the direction of recording a radio play with the script?
The answer is a BIG NO
There’s a thorn of examples I could give you (or now that I’m sharing and you’re reading this, you’re probably recalling some examples that have happened in your own life)
Here’s the point…
Always make the most of whatever you’re doing right now and remember to learn the lesson the process is teaching you in that moment….
This is so important and will change everything for you when you understand this little secret..
If you’re looking to run a big brand and you’re now working for someone, what’s God teaching you in the process?
What’s He wanting you to learn about treating an employee? About working as a team with people of different temperaments?
What’s he saying to you about how you explore and use your level of patience towards escalating situations?
Do you think all you’re doing now is useless?
Remember, I’m not giving you an excuse to remain in that position. I’m simply saying, as much as you don’t love that hole and you’re struggling to climb up every day, learn a thing or two about using a rope and dealing with stiff walls AS YOU GET OUT… You’ll need it!
My friend, there are two options….
You can either complain in the process because it’s making you feel miserable or you can ask yourself what’s your takeaway lesson from the process and HOW you would use that lesson to shape the next phase of your life…
Hopefully, I’ll come back to continue my second question and reflection on Salle next week (maybe)
Stay strong…
Arrey Bate
Internet Entrepreneur | Journalist | Author
PS: If you still haven’t done this, please GO NOW and get my best-selling book on social media.The book is on a discount now because I’m releasing a brand new Mini-book soon!!!!
Click here: arreybate.com/bestseller
PPS: Entrepreneurs, coaches and business owners! If you’re struggling to get consistent clients every month, you can work with my marketing agency ARREYB Is Marketing. If you’re a good fit for what we do, we will do all the marketing for you and let you sit back to collect the sales from your phone (just like we’re doing with several clients now). Go to arreybismarketing.com to book a free strategy call with my team (this is strictly for businesses already making $1,000/pm, or having the potential to generate at least $1,000 monthly)
One last thing …kindly share this with someone if it brought value to you…