Lessons From The Edge: The Story Of My Suicidal Friend – Arrey Bate
I will never forget the number of people who sorrounded him that night
I will never forget the number of people who sorrounded him that night
It all boils down to WHO takes action every time! But most importantly those who apply ONE idea first, FOCUS on it and stay CONSISTENT.
How many times have you got an idea and you thought ‘that was the NEXT BIG IDEA’ but the next day a better one popped up and you were like 🤷🏼♂️?
I watched Cena fight every week at WWE but I never looked at it from the perspective one kid just did and how he saved his dying mom
Today I’m about to share with you one BIG SECRET I discovered over the years and how you can instantly implement this for yourself even if you’re just getting started in business or your career!
When you’re an innovative person, the biggest thing you’d have to do for yourself is practice the descipline to FOCUS YOUR ENERGY ON ONE THING untill it attains a level of sucess
A lot of times we’re not in a relationship with the people we consider the most attractive
Many years ago I remember I was dying to get this particular thing so badly that I felt frustrated when it didn’t come. I thought I was a failure! Today I suddenly got the realisation that I now have this thing, and it came without so much stress
A lot of times we get things so easily that we may quickly start to feel we deserve them or are entitled to them
Hey , do you truly deserve the things you want right now?
This morning as I was in the shower, I was in there scrubbing my tiny body and dancing then I got a quick epiphany which I wanted to share with you