Arrey bate
The Missing Steve
The fastest way to delve into any field or career is to find someone who is already succeeding and model them.
“why these memories?”
On me, I had two small items; my travel suitcase with all the necessary and my bass guitar hanging over my back like some emtilas rockstar haha😀🎸
The 6 million scam, how attackers got access to my bank account!😓
Firstly, make sure you have one card dedicated to your online transactions. (It should be separate from your main account where you keep the rest of your money)
The tale of the mysterious violinist
People do not necessarily pay for the product, but it matters the presentation and branding around it.
Applying the ‘first fruit’ for success
My mom visited me one time in my tiny student room and because the bed was too small to accommodate we both, I burnt the entire night on the table working from my laptop
Applying ‘first fruits’ for success
You see my friend, today as I looked back on my journey and put that side by side with any other success stories I’ve witnessed… I’ve found that there is no single way to success but there are specific secrets that constantly govern every true success story. One of them you’re going to hear every time is the proof of INVESTMENT!
Desperate to succeed
6 years ago I made a phone call to my mom that changed my life. Every 10th of April on my birthday, I try and make a personal commitment for the next phase of my life and live up to it no matter the cost
Arrey Bate on Taking Baby Steps[For young Entrepreneurs, Career Professionals & Business Owners]
That Sunday night my baby sis ran to me and said she had some BIG NEWS to share👇
Deepen Your Perspective-Arrey Bate
The #1 emails and messages I get every time are friends who reach out and share about their plans to quit their jobs, start a business and how they’re feeling frustrated with their current work