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How To Deal With Many Ideas…

How many times have you got an idea and you thought ‘that was the NEXT BIG IDEA’ but the next day a better one popped up and you were like 🤷🏼‍♂️?​

Always Follow The 1,000 Rule-Arrey Bate

Today I’m about to share with you one BIG SECRET I discovered over the years and how you can instantly implement this for yourself even if you’re just getting started in business or your career!

Did You See This Online?-Arrey Bate

I don’t know if you have seen this online but this is so emotional and yet mind blowing😢💔​
In case you missed the trending story…​
The doctor gave Jane 6 months to live after she was diagnosed of cancer​

Arrey Bate Speaks on Motivation

Motivation is an important part of the success equation. It will fire you up. But the fire is temporary. And what matters more, is what you do with the temporary feeling. Motivational speakers are very important.

Competition In Business-Arrey Bate

I presume you started the year with some big plans so this screenshot should definitely be helpful  About 20 days ago I got a message from someone asking what I’d do about competition in my business 👇 ​ ​