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The Journey Of Cameroonian Internet Entrepreneur Arrey Bate ...

Internet Entrepreneur.

“When all my work is over, every night I walk home with the fulfilment of the lives I have impacted by genuinely sharing my stories, and the thousands of friends I serve to help build their lives. This to me, is the biggest gain of my journey …”


As Seen On:

Arrey Bate On The Guardian Post Newspaper

Arrey Bate On The National Post Newspaper

Arrey Bate On The BBC

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Over the past 4 years, Arrey Bate has built a combined following of 77,000+ entrepreneurs as Cameroon’s leading internet entrepreneur who has been featured on the BBC, British Council, Fox, NBC and CBS. He grew famous for his work on social media and for building a community for entrepreneurs and career persons across Africa where he constantly shares his journey

Arrey has a popular story for dropping out of the University and moving from an inconsistent $9/pm feeding allowance to start ARREYB Media, an online business he began during the moments of a deep political crisis —in his student room using a phone and laptop his elder brother gifted him. Today ARREYB Media runs a news website and a marketing agency called ARREYB Is Marketing and Arrey constantly shares his journey and stories weekly to thousand of Smart Friends on social media and emails.  

Among several achievements, Arrey has been listed among the British Council’s 2019 top 100 worldwide, GLC2021 top 100 young leaders from 30 countries, the official winner of the 2021 Global Leadership Challenge at Oxford University, has spoken at Mechigan State University USA and keynote speaker at the 51st St Gallen Symposium Switzerland (the world’s most relevant organisation and platform for cross-generational dialogue and collaboration)

Arrey Bate is the author of the best-selling internet book “How To Make Money, Build Right Relationships With Social Media”

Who is Arrey Bate?

Arrey runs ARREYB Media, an internet company which he founded in the 2017 when he dropped out of school.   ARREYB Media, an online business he began during the moments of a deep political crisis and heavy shootings in his home country Cameroon. It runs a news website and a marketing agency called ARREYB Is Marketing ARREYB Is Marketing helps businesses to get more clients and generate more money on social media through funnel building and paid advertisement Arrey is the founder of the The AB Afrikpreneur Awards, an annual award to entrepreneurs across Africa

Internet Entrepreneur

Over the past 4 years, Arrey has built a following for his political reporting on ARREYB DOT COM focuses on reporting news, politics, press freedom and human rights stories from Cameroon. The digital news website is prominent in English Cameroon with a following of 60,000+ readers. ARREYB DOT COM is quoted by BBC Monitoring, BBC Focus On Africa, British Council, Infinity Blog Awards USA, politicians on all sides, newspapers and happy ARREYB readers. It has a dignity for speaking truth to power, checking government excesses and pushing for vulnerable communities. Arrey was listed among British Council’s Top 100 Young Journalists worldwide in 2019 Learn More!➲


Arrey blends his online journalism with blogging. In 2017, he was nominated among Cameroon’s top 5 bloggers at the BDMA.  In 2019 ARREYB DOT COM was Cameroon’s first and only website nominated at Infinity Blog Awards USA, a selection of top 200 blogs from 3,000 submissions worldwide. In 2019, Arrey and his team organised The ARREYB Media National Tour (ABNTour).The tour was a series of 7 conferences organised in 7 towns of Cameroon which trained over 2,000+ young entrepreneurs & media persons on digital branding and building a brand on social media


“When you’re pursuing purpose, everything else will look like the plan except the obstacles” – (Arrey Bate)

Arrey Bate

( Internet Entrepreneur, Journalist, Author )

Arrey's Publications

The Book "How To Make Money, Build Right Relationships With Social Media" By Arrey Bate

Writing a book and other publications have been one of Arrey’s successes as an Internet entrepreneur being able to generate millions in his career and travel several countries. The book “How To Make Money, Build Right Relationships With Social Media” By Arrey Bate will show you 12 tested & proven secrets to START Or GROW an UNBEATABLE brand online and how to get started for less than a dinner or two

Get This Book Today!➲

2,212+ Copies Sold (and counting..)

The Book “7 Steps To Run A Successful Facebook Ad” by Arrey Bate.

This next is my latest ebook  “7 Steps To Run A Successful Facebook Ad” by Arrey Bate.

As I was writing my first book, I found out it was actually important go into explaining how to build a business using a comprehensive step by step guide to Facebook ads.

It was a small tweak that was so simple to understand, yet I missed it when I just started online

Beyond Facebook being the biggest social media platform with more than 2.5 billion monthly active users, others have moved on to establish a full time career making millions in dollars just by running Facebook ads for companies. If you’re like me, learning to run Facebook ads will drastically change your skill level, and for some of you, it will entirely change your life if you decide to settle on running Facebook ads

Get This Book Today!➲

Replays - The Afrikan Entrepreneurs Summit

In 2021, me and my team brought together 14 international speakers to share at our annual AB Afrikpreneur gathering. 

14 Speakers, 2-Days, Endless Tips & Strategies Behind 14 Successful Businesses In Different Industries…

The event was crazy that so many people started requesting that we make all the 14 replays available to everyone. We put them together and have since then been sharing with everyone in the community. If you’re reading this now, it means this is probably still available. 

Get All The 14 Replays Now!➲

“People who don’t spend and keep flipping the same old business strategies, will keep floating around the loop of making the same old regular ‘pnuts’ every time” – ( Arrey Bate)

Arrey Bate

( Internet Entrepreneur, Journalist, Author )

In 2017 when Arrey just launched his business ARREYB Media, he was craving to connect with Cameroonian business guru Bony Dashaco.

Dashaco is estimated to be worth billions and has been repeatedly listed on Forbes for several years in a roll and among Africa’s top 10 most influential young leaders. Arrey recalls how he made more than 4 trips to Dashaco’s office but no permission to cross the gate. He dropped over 8 appointment letters and sent numerous emails but still didn’t get any appointment opportunity.

In 2019 after getting Dashaco’s private email, a carefully crafted email to Dashaco got a response 4 hours later. FINALLY! So this led to their first meeting after all the tough years, and more connection between Dashaco and Arrey. The experience led Arrey and a team of successful entrepreneurs who spent time analysing and understanding such difficulties faced by young African entrepreneurs to begin the AB Afrikpreneur Community. AB Afrikpreneur is an annual experience for entrepreneurs of all walks of life across Africa who want to build solid networks, all commanding from their cell phones!

Join The Community Today!➲

The AB Afrikpreneur Community)

20,000+ Entrepreneurs Across Africa Use AB Afrikpreneur To Power Their Networks ...

Want An Interview?

Interviews are truly some of Arrey’s most favorite moments to share his stories and wealth of experience! Do you have a show you want to feature Arrey on, he’s IN!

Submit A Request!➲


Arreyb is available for speaking, interviews, podcasts. Download the media bio and press kit here:


    Over the past 4 years, Arrey Bate has built a combined following of 77,000+ entrepreneurs as Cameroon’s leading internet entrepreneur who has been featured on the BBC, British Council, Fox, NBC and CBS. He grew famous for his work on social media and for building a community for entrepreneurs and career persons across Africa where he constantly shares his journey

    Arrey has a popular story for dropping out of the University and moving from an inconsistent $9/pm feeding allowance to start ARREYB Media, an online business he began during the moments of a deep political crisis —in his student room using a phone and laptop his elder brother gifted him. Today ARREYB Media runs a news website and a marketing agency called ARREYB Is Marketing and Arrey constantly shares his journey and stories weekly to thousand of Smart Friends on social media and emails.  

    Among several achievements, Arrey has been listed among the British Council’s 2019 top 100 worldwide, GLC2021 top 100 young leaders from 30 countries, the official winner of the 2021 Global Leadership Challenge at Oxford University, has spoken at Mechigan State University USA and keynote speaker at the 51st St Gallen Symposium Switzerland (the world’s most relevant organisation and platform for cross-generational dialogue and collaboration)

    Arrey Bate is the author of the best-selling internet book “How To Make Money, Build Right Relationships With Social Media”


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Get To Know Arrey Better

Arrey has always said sharing his stories and connecting with people are truly adorable moments of his journey. People on social media are going crazy about his little status and story updates. They’d always say he’s a fun person to be with on social media! Strike bellow now, get to know Arrey better …

Arrey's Stories

Every day Arrey shares his stories. They’re often spontaneous thoughts that come from his entrepreneurial journey, failures and lessons learnt, and most interestingly, deep reflections from just every little experience growing up till now. They’re always fun to read, some are sent to his email lists with more than 20,000 thousands subscribers, shared on his social media or published here as blog posts. You’d find something about your life if you read, enjoy …

The underlying message is that CONTEXT is crucial in any situation.

The fastest way to delve into any field or career is to find someone who is already succeeding and model them.

On me, I had two small items; my travel suitcase with all the necessary and my bass guitar hanging over my back like some emtilas rockstar haha😀🎸

Firstly, make sure you have one card dedicated to your online transactions. (It should be separate from your main account where you keep the rest of your money) 

People do not necessarily pay for the product, but it matters the presentation and branding around it.

A lot of times you’re going to feel undervalued by your environment when you're in the wrong place  and you may become frustrated because you haven't found the right place that values you the right way.

My mom visited me one time in my tiny student room and because the bed was too small to accommodate we both, I burnt the entire night on the table working from my laptop

You see my friend, today as I looked back on my journey and put that side by side with any other success stories I’ve witnessed… I’ve found that there is no single way to success but there are specific secrets that constantly govern every true success story. One of them you’re going to hear every time is the proof of INVESTMENT!

6 years ago I made a phone call to my mom that changed my life. Every 10th of April on my birthday, I try and make a personal commitment for the next phase of my life and live up to it no matter the cost

That Sunday night my baby sis ran to me and said she had some BIG NEWS to share👇

The #1 emails and messages I get every time are friends who reach out and share about their plans to quit their jobs, start a business and how they're feeling frustrated with their current work

In 2017, three months after dropping out of the university, I moved to Mutengene to start and pastor a new branch of my local church. 

My next door neighbor was a scammer. That was some years ago In my experience watching him, one of the most lucrative scamming niches at the time were fake pets or agricultural …

I have heard Steve Harvey share something critical in one of his episodes. He was talking about the years when he started comedy and needed to be the MC, the hype man, the performer and everything else on his shows

Twenty something years ago growing up as a child, I made a somewhat stupid vow ...

It was 5pm that day at a restaurant, the waiter walked in to ask what we wanted to have, me and two other friends…(and something incredible happened on the spot)

Do you remember last year I talked about my Facebook account being shut down at the time when I was actively reporting politics?

I've recently seen too many people proud of how they work 18 hours a day, on weekends and barely getting sleep​They brag that if you’re not doing all that you’re not doing it right

In 2021, I introduced a special tete-a-tete marketing consultation where I charge $349 (xaf 215,000) for two hours👇​At first I was a little scared about launching this session for several reasons​.

Dear , for you and me growing up, a lot of times we watched our parents run into daily financial problems. Some of them ran away from landlords, quarrelled with debtors and struggled with the little they made to feed the family​.


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